Educational Technology in America

Educational Technology in America
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Sunday, October 2, 2016

Grading System in Egypt

Grading System in Egypt

Grading Scales:University Level Scale A
Used for the faculties of arts, language, Islamic studies, archaeology, commerce, economics and political science, law, and mass communications.

GradeScaleGrade DescriptionUS Grade
A90.00 - 100.00ممتاز (Excellent)A
A-80.00 - 89.99جيد جدًا (Very good)A-
B65.00 - 79.99جيد (Good)B
C50.00 - 64.99مقبول (Pass)C
D35.00 - 49.99ضعيف (Weak)D
F0.00 - 34.99ضعيف جدًا‎ (Very weak)F
University Level Scale B
Used in the health sciences faculties

GradeScaleGrade DescriptionUS Grade
A85.00 - 100.00ممتاز‎ (Excellent)A
A-80.00 - 84.99جيد جدًا‎ (Very good)A-
B65.00 - 79.99جيد‎ (Good)B
C50.00 - 64.99مقبول‎ (Pass)C
D30.00 - 49.99ضعيف‎ (Weak )D
F0.00 - 29.99ضعيف جدًا‎ (Very weak)F
University Level Scale C
Used in the faculties of education, engineering, fine arts, technology, social sciences, urban planning, and veterinary medicine.

GradeScaleGrade DescriptionUS GradeNotes
A85.00 - 100.00ممتاز (Excellent)A
A-80.00 - 84.99جيد جدًا‎ (Very Good)A-
B+75.00 - 79.99B+
B70.00 - 74.99جيد (Good)B
B-65.00 - 69.99B-
C+60.00 - 64.99C+
C55.00 - 59.99مقبول (Pass)C
D30.00 - 54.99ضعيف (Weak)D
Conditional pass, may be acceptable for peripheral courses but not for required core courses.
F0.00 - 29.99ضعيف جدًا (Very weak)FFail

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