Educational Technology in America

Educational Technology in America
Bridging Gaps World-Wide

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Image result for egypt and philippines

EGYPT AND PHILIPPINES: Countries of Resiliency

            Serious traditional methods…. Unprecedented learning philosophies…. Adapting societies’ changes….

            The aforementioned phrases are generally talking on how education system of both Egypt and Philippines were experiencing before and even today. I was assigned to choose a country under the African continent, when I was scanning and surfing the internet, I discovered Egypt. Without any biases, I really like Egypt of some historical glory and grandeur that were brought by their country. Since then, I love hearing the contributions of the Egyptians in today’s development like in mathematical formulas, architectural systems, medicine and many more.

            But, all of those facts that I have read and heard are not so visible in my presence nowadays. A country which before were contributing a numerous or creating archives of inventions and solution to problems that many are affected is included to the queue of tangled societies.  Instead, while I was surfing, I discovered that their country is suffering from a wider span of poverty and unequal education. Aside from that, I also discovered maltreatment of educational authorities to the learners. Which in the Philippines, I also found some of the dark similarities. I realized that Philippines also suffered to unequal education on the part of the citizens. Further, some learners also are maltreated by some teaching personnel. I also consider as a similarity the existence of less opportunity learners spreading throughout the national and local areas of both countries. Too much with the psychological or behavioural aspect of the learners, I would like to venture on the system itself of both Philippines and Egypt.

The educational system of the Philippines today is on the verge of experimentation equalling to uncertainties. I say that because it’s our first time to adapt and apply the K+12 educational patterns in our country.

Aside from the patterns of education, technological orientation is also important in both Philippines and Egypt. It adjusts the difficulties of the learners in achieving the requirements of todays’ jobs- technological and computer trainings and learning. In Egypt, one of the schools particularly in a university was very happy because of the computers donated by a wealthy program or corporation from America. They were blessed to have them because they helped them greatly in reaching the gap and debarring low literacies to less fortunate people in Egypt. Same with Philippines, a lot of countries and concerned wealthy citizens are working together corroborated by Philippines’ Department of Education to create new forms of pedagogical instruments and discuss their impacts on the advancement in learning. Like, computers with educational software, experimental resources and laboratories, and other up-to-date resources.

Albeit, in Philippines and Egypt, the mission of obliterating the unstructured and weak educational processes is never on someone’s wildest dreams, still, it’s that we’re oblivious that at least, those inconsequential traditional methods are slowly fading and a new educational system, technology-based, is resurrecting to edify, to bridge, to help everyone rise from undesirable phenomenon that we, specially the Filipinos and Egyptians, are currently experiencing. (Thank you.)

*God Bless Us Always*

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Great work Egypt.

Great work It must be more programs for the young people of Egypt.

Intel Education Service Corps (IESC) helps Education in Egypt

Intel Education Service Corps (IESC) helps Education in Egypt

New Education Highway for Egypt

New Education Highway for Egypt


Use technology to improve education in Egypt

by CARE 


This project provides mobile PC carts that each have 25 PCs (for students) and a laptop (for the teacher), which can turn any classroom into a computer lab.
total raised
monthly donors
years active


In Egypt, many children, especially girls, have very limited acess to education. The problem is even more pronounced in the rural areas of the country, creating a tremendous challenge for students battling illiteracy and poverty. Girls often face restricted social spaces and an uphill struggle to get an education, due to factors such family pressures, inadequate facilities, and higher workloads at home. There is also often a shortage of teachers, and a lack of community involvement with schools.


CARE will provide access to computers and train teachers to incorporate technology into education. Students will gain computer literacy skills and be able to link to other students globally to expand their world views.

Long-Term Impact

This project will lead to increased instructional capacity of teachers, computer literacy skills for students and the creation of girlsAaa active social networks.

Grading System in Egypt

Grading System in Egypt

Grading Scales:University Level Scale A
Used for the faculties of arts, language, Islamic studies, archaeology, commerce, economics and political science, law, and mass communications.

GradeScaleGrade DescriptionUS Grade
A90.00 - 100.00ممتاز (Excellent)A
A-80.00 - 89.99جيد جدًا (Very good)A-
B65.00 - 79.99جيد (Good)B
C50.00 - 64.99مقبول (Pass)C
D35.00 - 49.99ضعيف (Weak)D
F0.00 - 34.99ضعيف جدًا‎ (Very weak)F
University Level Scale B
Used in the health sciences faculties

GradeScaleGrade DescriptionUS Grade
A85.00 - 100.00ممتاز‎ (Excellent)A
A-80.00 - 84.99جيد جدًا‎ (Very good)A-
B65.00 - 79.99جيد‎ (Good)B
C50.00 - 64.99مقبول‎ (Pass)C
D30.00 - 49.99ضعيف‎ (Weak )D
F0.00 - 29.99ضعيف جدًا‎ (Very weak)F
University Level Scale C
Used in the faculties of education, engineering, fine arts, technology, social sciences, urban planning, and veterinary medicine.

GradeScaleGrade DescriptionUS GradeNotes
A85.00 - 100.00ممتاز (Excellent)A
A-80.00 - 84.99جيد جدًا‎ (Very Good)A-
B+75.00 - 79.99B+
B70.00 - 74.99جيد (Good)B
B-65.00 - 69.99B-
C+60.00 - 64.99C+
C55.00 - 59.99مقبول (Pass)C
D30.00 - 54.99ضعيف (Weak)D
Conditional pass, may be acceptable for peripheral courses but not for required core courses.
F0.00 - 29.99ضعيف جدًا (Very weak)FFail


EDUCATION SYSTEM IN EGYPT:  An Avenue for a Better Future


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Education System in Egypt

Primary Education

Egypt has an extensive education system that outstrips all others in the Middle East and North Africa, and where even tertiary education is free. The compulsory primary education program follows kindergarten at age 4. Primary school that begins at age six takes 6 years and preparatory school another 3. During this introductory phase pupils may enrol at state, religious or private schools by choice.

Middle Education

Three years of preparatory schooling follow at the end of which a basic education completion certificate is awarded. During this time a student’s aptitude is examined in order to determine their best secondary education route.

Secondary Education

There are three streams in secondary education, namely general (3 years), technical (as long a 5 years) and vocational. Technical secondary schools are organized around industrial, commercial or agricultural themes. Both technical and general schooling are conduits to tertiary education.

Vocational Education

Initial vocational education is provided at separate schools following which students may move to vocational centres or enter the job market immediately. Vocational training is a top government priority since business identifies a lack of skills as the main impediment to entering new markets.

Tertiary Education

Egypt Education
Egypt has a well-developed and extensive tertiary education system with 30% of Egyptians availing themselves of this opportunity. There are 17 public universities, 16 private universities, 89 private higher education institutions and 51 public non-university facilities. The tension between academic freedom and the responsibility of government to manage education is not yet fully resolved. 

Al-Azhar University was established in AD 970 as a center for arabic literature and sunni learning in which capacity it continues to this day. It could be considered to be the oldest university in the world, were it not for the fact that it evolved in a different way from the medieval doctorate model used in Europe.